Monday, May 31, 2010

Watson said...

Camping at Soap Lake. In the morning. Watson had refused to eat breakfast. His friend Nico appeared to have gotten something from the store. It looked like candy.
Watson:"Papa, kann ich auch einen dollar haben um mir candy zu holen?"
Me:"Aber Watson, ich habe dir gerade eben Fruestueck gemacht, du wolltest nichts essen, und jetzt willst du Suessigkeiten. auf keinen Fall."
Watson:"H. E. L. L. da wirst du bald sein. H. E. L. L."

Then later i was putting stuff in the car, suddenly I get a hard punch in the back. It really hurt. Watson was looking at me very angrily.

Watson:"Du bist der gemeinste Papa auf der Welt."

After all that I took him to the side and told him that behavior was unacceptable.

So he decided to lie down in the middle of the road until he got hit by a car and died.

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