Saturday, April 10, 2010

Kinder halten Leila

Die kinder durften heute das baby zum erstwn mal halten! Sie Sind so stolz grosse brueder zu sein

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Milo said...

The kids played an April fool's prank on me today.

I get home from work and they had made an awesome Vegan Brownie with blueberry for me! It was a little odd because they were giggling a little and holding postcards in front of his mouth.
I asked what was up and Milo said Leila had done this funny thing that cause him to chuckle.

I get out a fork and try to eat the brownie, but it turned out it was sponge drenched in blueberry jam with chocolate chips on it! hahaha, very funny it looked totally real. they laughed hard and were very excited.

The funny part later Melissa told me leading up to the prank was that they were trying to find ways to contain their laughter.
Milo:"I am just going to hold this tissue in front of my face so Dad can't see me laughing."
Milo:"I'll just tell him I had a serious lip injury."
Milo:"Forget about the lip injury. Just tell him I am drunk."

Watson said...

Watson's been having issues making it to the bathroom on time. Melissa takes him to the doctor.

Doctor:"Okay, so we're going to have to give you this powder that will help you poop better."
Watson (excited):"Oh no, does that mean I have to take Psyllium Husk now?"