Monday, August 22, 2011

Leila said...

Neue Sachen die sie sagt:

"Ovaj" - Oval. Sie zeigt auf alles was oval ist
"Rot, Gruen, Gelb, Blau (besonders blau), orange, braun" - sie kann alle Farben unterscheiden. Und auch gut aussprechen
"Door!" - wenn eine Tuer zu ist und sie rein will.
"Bo-baer" - bodo baer. wenn sie ein bodo baer buch lesen will.
"Nase, Ohren, Mund, Zunge, Ohren, Arm, Hand, Fimger, Bauch, Beine, Fuesse, Zehen, Zaehne" - ich sage immer "wo ist x?" und sie zeigt mit begeisterung auf den Koerperteil.

Watson said...

On our way back from camping at Orcas in the Suburban, Milo, Watson, me.

Watson:"Milo, some day you are going to have sex."
Milo:"No way, it is so gross. I would never do that."
Watson:"But *are* going to like it."
Milo:"Yeah, why is it so gross? I mean Barstow [our friend's dog] walks around naked all the time. He just has fur, but he is naked."

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Leila said

Leila was really impressed with the fireworks we saw on the 4th this year. We were camping on Orcas Island, and the owners of the campground had this really large firework show prepared, right over the bay with the sun setting in the West. It was very pretty.

Milo said...

We were watching "Journey to the center of the earth" and there is this really sappy scene where the kid finds a letter from his dead dad left back for him.
Me: "Milo, glaubst du ich wuerde auch so einen Brief fuer Euch hinterlassen wenn ich sterbe?"
Milo: "No, dad would try to embarrass me when I try to mate."

Friday, August 5, 2011

Leila says...

She is really starting to make great progress. For some reason all monosyllabic words. But she can sort her little shape puzzle and say all the shapes:
- "tri" - triangle
- "rec" - rectangle
- "sir" - circle
- "he-ayon" - hexagon
- "eps" - ellipse
- "shter" - star (german)

Milo said...

We were starting to watch the movie "Titanic".
Milo: "I hate the love scenes in this movie!"
Watson: "Which love scenes?"
Milo: "Well especially the one where Jack tries to have sex with Rose in the car."