Thursday, January 26, 2012

Leila said...

She says a lot of things now. Real sentences.
One thing she can't do yet is really handle personal pronouns.

Examples: Melissa is telling her she can't climb on the chair. Leila:
"I can't talk" - which means Melissa can't talk.

Or Melissa is taking Leila to bed.
Leila:"I can scratch back" - Melissa should scratch her back!

Or Melissa is singing.
Leila: "I can't sing!" - she wants Melissa to stop singing.

Probably a few times melissa has said to her "Shall I scratch your back?" or "Are you saying I can't talk?" - and she just applied that to her sentences. Language and learning is fascinating!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Some vids

Paradies Creme aus Deutschland mitgebracht: Huehner Wo ist die Leila?

Leila said

Bei uns im Haus wollen die kids immer "zocken", das Wort das ich schon seit Teenager jahren benutze um mit computern spielen zu bezeichnen. Inzwischen haben Milo und Watson das Wort amerikanisiert. Also gibt es bei uns "to zoke", amerikanisiert. Gestern abend die Leila: "Leini zoke?" Aus dem Blauen heraus! Sie wollte mit dem iPad spielen.