Sunday, February 26, 2012

Watson said...

Watson's birthday party. We got laser tag outside at Dahl playfield. It was a lot of fun all the kids and me chasing each other and shooting.

I told the kids:

me:"I have to warn you I was in the army so I know what I'm doing!"
Watson:"Yeah, my dad was a Nazi for a while!"

Oh boy.


Sie kann jetzt das ABC auf Deutsch und Englisch!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Leila says...

Leila is still figuring out grammar in English. Especially personal pronouns.
She wakes up at night crying and wants to come into our bed. The other night:

We hear Leila crying. Melissa goes up to get her.
Leila:"No talking, I can't talk, why can't I sing!"

She means to say "No talking, you can't talk right now, and you can't sing either! Just be quiet and get me!"

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

leila vids

Leila loves my bikes!

Leila said...

She is really getting incredibly good at German. Many a gem:

Leila:"I go hochgehen" - she is going downstairs. for some reason she confuses 'hoch' and 'runter'
Leila:"I go mit" - I want to come along
Leila:"Nach Hause. Zu Mama."
Leila:"Die Huehner schlafen?" - when the Chickens are going into their coop at night.

Leila said...

She is really starting to get good at speaking. Just before she crossed the cusp last week of "Leila" vs. "I", this gem occurred:

Leila:"Where perfume bottle? You can't find it! Girl find it!" ('you' of course means 'I', because we call her 'you')
Melissa:"I don't know, why don't you look in the living room?"
She tap, tap, tap, toddles off into the living room. a few minutes later.
Leila:"Yay! You found it!"

So funny.