Saturday, May 7, 2011

Leila says...

"Nye" - No.
"Hi!" - in desperation. Means "don't go away"
"walk" or "alk" - let me down so I can walk
"Schei" - Schaukel
"fuh! Fuh! Fuh! - she was walking around a kids' party and having so much fun being part of the action
"Pai" - pencil
"soup" - ketchup or soup
"toe" - toe
"Pa" - me

Milo said...

Papa:"Willst du nicht spaeter auch mal Kinder haben?"
Milo:"Ich weiss noch nicht. Kinder sind so laut."
Papa:"So wie Ihr halt."
Milo:"Oder so wie der Watson. Er ist wie ein kleiner Affe. Nur Unsinn im Kopf, immer laut und springt rum."

Milo and Watson...

We were in the kids hot tub. Both Milo and Watson taking turns:

Milo/Watson:"What the fu..."

and just before they could finish, the dove under water.

Milo and Watson...

On vacation in California. They are making a ton of noise in the hotel room looking for their towels and for their swimsuits. Racket on the balcony

Watson:"Milo, what the fuck are you doing!"

at this point they just don't care anymore!