Today, on a beautiful sunny day in Seattle, at 6:26pm, Leila Nixie Gerhard was born. It was pretty straightforward, not like we don't have experience!
I made an elaborate music playlist, but what a coincidence, she was born to "Uncle John's Band" by the Grateful Dead just like Milo!
Melissa feels great and I am hungry since I didn't have breakfast and have only had vegetable crudite for lunch. I know it's selfish but worth pointing out.
Melissa before birth. Check out the belly, it was pretty big at this point, and ready to pop out the baby.
Quite the chunker at 8 lbs, 12 ounces, or in real units nearly 4kg.
Now we're going to order off the hospital menu and maybe get a glass of wine.
Oh, below a video of her at 30 seconds. I am trying this video thing for the first time, let's see if it works!
I thought Leila never wanted to leave the comfort of Melissa's belly :) Congratulations and I am happy that everything went well, baby is healthy, mom and dad are happy and I am sure exhausted!
beim zweiten hinschauen muss ich sagen, dass sie wirklich wie Melissa ausschaut - mutti
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