Ah, the wonderful time of fall has fallen upon us. Pumpkin pies, butternut squash soup, all the good stuff! The best vegetable season ever. Convenient, since I decided on a meat sebbaticle and I've been a vegan for a week, and will remain one for another two, to make up for all the Wurst and Fleisch I ate in Germany.

Here's a pic of my fixie, it's almost done. still need to trim the bars, fork and seat. But it's essentially there.

The nice fall coloring is coming out nice in the trees.

Our street is all fall colors too.

I'm also coaching Milo's soccer team! This was Saturday, with a whopping 0-6 defeat.
1 comment:
Und wie lange bleiben die Felgen so schoen weiss? Bis Du durch die erste Pfuetze durchfaehrst? :)
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