Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Watson said...

On the way through Ballard, the kids in the back of the car, going south on 15th Ave NW.

Watson: "Dude, there is a store called 'mid-ass'!"
Milo: "Oh, you mean the car shop 'Midas'"

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Berghaus March 2011

OK, this weekend we joined the Yaqoubis at the Berghaus in Snolquamie for some skiing, snowboarding and birthday celebration. Boy, did it make me feel like being back in the alps!
But first, before we left Saturday morning one could see spring is in the air and the cherries and plums are beginning to bloom:

This is the neighbor's tree, but you can see the nice Hexenhaus behind. Thanks hipstamatic for that fantastic vintage shot.
Only 45 minutes of driving, and we were thrown back into a winderwonderland:

Leila was having a great time in the snow! The house is located on the newly opened Hyak lift, right on the slope. In Germany or Austria they would turn this into a lodge with Zittar music and a beergarden and a snowbar. Well, maybe in a few decades they will learn that part here in the US!
The above picture is the view from the balcony.

Some more pics of the slopes as well as the wonderful weather and Milo thanks to the hipstamatic.

Milo did really well skiing, we went down the green slopes, and Milo and I went down the serpentines. It was great fun.
Finally we also brought Watson with us who did very well! He can only really turn right so far, but he was very "tapfer", went all the way down (in spite of being terrified on the lift) and he said he had a great time! Can't wait to go again. 

Thanks Judith and Said for letting us stay and to everyone else for a great time!