Saturday, December 10, 2011
Leila said...
Ich habe mir ein Motorrad fuer den Winter gekauft. Sie sagt immer "papa, 'torrad" wenn ich nach hause komme. Oder ich fahre vor die Garage und mache den motor an und sie kommt zum fenstr gerannt und guckt ganz gluecklich und sagt "papa!".
Sie will dauernd dieses Bodo Bar Buch lesen "Bo' Baer" mit einer Seite von bildern wo die Farben sind. "Blau, Gelb, Rot, Orange". Sie liebt die Farben. Auf einer anderen Seite sind Formen. Die kann sie auch gut "Quadrat" und "Kreis" mag sie besonders gerne.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Leila und der Spielplatz
Sie mag den Spielplatz so gerne. Jeden Tag "Blie-Pla", "gro' Schau'" (grosse Schaukel), "klei' Schau'" (kleine Schaukel) und "Gel' Schau'" (gelbe Schaukel). Manchmal wacht sie sogar morgens auf und das erste was sie sagt ist "Spielplatz und grosse schaukel".
Unten ein paar videos von der gelben und der kleinen Schaukel. Sie geniesst un vollen Zuegen und halt die Augen fest zu:
Ach, und sie nennt mich auch nur manchmal "Papa". Oft heisse ich "I.D." (sie liebt meinen Fuehrerschein und meine Microsoft ID" oder einfach nur "Lutz" (mit gelispeltem 'z').
Unten ein paar videos von der gelben und der kleinen Schaukel. Sie geniesst un vollen Zuegen und halt die Augen fest zu:
Ach, und sie nennt mich auch nur manchmal "Papa". Oft heisse ich "I.D." (sie liebt meinen Fuehrerschein und meine Microsoft ID" oder einfach nur "Lutz" (mit gelispeltem 'z').
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Watson said...
Watson und ich gehen zum Klo
Watson: "Warum sind da separate bathrooms fuer Maenner und Frauen?"
Ich: "Weil Frauen nicht sehen wollen wie Maenner pinkeln und Maenner nicht sehen wollen wie Frauen pinkeln."
Watson: "Das glaube ich nicht. Die Frauen sind jealous weil sie keinen Wiener haben, weil sie nur eine Vagina haben."
Ich: "Was? Wieso denn das? Was waere denn an eine Pimmel besser?"
Watson: "Na einen Wiener kann man so schoen nehmen (zeigt wie er ihn rumschwingen kann). Und Vaginas sind einfach nur da (und zeigt zwischen die Beine ganz still)."
Watson: "Warum sind da separate bathrooms fuer Maenner und Frauen?"
Ich: "Weil Frauen nicht sehen wollen wie Maenner pinkeln und Maenner nicht sehen wollen wie Frauen pinkeln."
Watson: "Das glaube ich nicht. Die Frauen sind jealous weil sie keinen Wiener haben, weil sie nur eine Vagina haben."
Ich: "Was? Wieso denn das? Was waere denn an eine Pimmel besser?"
Watson: "Na einen Wiener kann man so schoen nehmen (zeigt wie er ihn rumschwingen kann). Und Vaginas sind einfach nur da (und zeigt zwischen die Beine ganz still)."
Milo said...
Auf dem Weg zur Samstagsschule. Ich fange an Rueckwaerts einzuparken
Me:"Kinder, alles klar, immer in Fluchtrichtung parken."
Me:"Wisst Ihr warum wir in Fluchtrichtung parken?"
Milo:"Ja klar, damit wir schnell weg koennen falls die Schule in die Luft fliegt."
Milo:"I'd much rather be the one blowing up the school than the one fleeing from the school."
Me:"Kinder, alles klar, immer in Fluchtrichtung parken."
Me:"Wisst Ihr warum wir in Fluchtrichtung parken?"
Milo:"Ja klar, damit wir schnell weg koennen falls die Schule in die Luft fliegt."
Milo:"I'd much rather be the one blowing up the school than the one fleeing from the school."
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Leila laeuft zum PielPla
Der Spielplatz. Pielpla. Sie redet von nichts anderem. Gro' Schau. Das ist die Schaukel wo sie auf meinem schoss sitzt und wir schaukeln. die kleine Schaukel ist die Toddler Schaukel ("klei Schau"), und schliesslich die "Gel Schau" - gelbe Schaukel, die mit einem grossen Sitz.
Sie will nirgends anders hingehen. Wenn wir die Tuer aufmachen rennt sie schon los zum Spielplatz. Sie will nie ins Auto weil sie denkt das geht nicht zum Spielplatz.
Sie war voll entsetzt als wir im Auto waren, dann aber hat sie den Spielplatz gesehen:
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Leila schaukelt so gerne!
Sie sagt jeden Tag immer dasselbe: "Be-lie-be-la" (spielplatz). Morgens das erste wort was sie sagt wenn sie aufwacht ist spielplatz. Den ganzen Tag will sie nur zum spielplatz.
Wenn wir im Garten sind, versucht sie hinten rum zu fliehen und faengt an zum Spielplatz zu laufen. Sie sagt die ganze Zeit "Be-lie-be-la" und lacht und rennt. Dann wenn sie da ist geniesst sie die Schaukel:
Wenn wir im Garten sind, versucht sie hinten rum zu fliehen und faengt an zum Spielplatz zu laufen. Sie sagt die ganze Zeit "Be-lie-be-la" und lacht und rennt. Dann wenn sie da ist geniesst sie die Schaukel:
Watson said...
Homework last night. It was about bats vs. birds. similarities and differences.
Watson: "Bats have babies alive" - I asked him which animals have babies dead?
Watson: "Similarities - both bats and birds have babies" - he is so into babies right now.
Watson: "Bats have babies not in eggs."
Watson: "Birds have fur." Me: "so what animals have feathers?" Watson: "oh, elephants, rinos, and Giraffes".
Watson: "Bats have babies alive" - I asked him which animals have babies dead?
Watson: "Similarities - both bats and birds have babies" - he is so into babies right now.
Watson: "Bats have babies not in eggs."
Watson: "Birds have fur." Me: "so what animals have feathers?" Watson: "oh, elephants, rinos, and Giraffes".
Leila said...
She won't stop calling Melissa "Girl". When she gets tired she says "girl lie down" which basically means "Mom, come upstairs to bed with me". She also says that if she wants to nap.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Leila said
She calls Melissa "Girl" and she calls me "papa's face". When i leave in the morning she says "by papa's face". Or when she cries and night and I want to get her she cries "no, girl!" which means she wants Melissa to come.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Leila said...
Was sagt sie so zur zeit?
- "Girl" - die mama
- "Geld-beu" - mein geldbeutel wo sie dauernd nach meinen Sachen kramt
- "Pa-peh" - ein bild von meiner Microsoft ID
- "I.D." - meine ID
- "Girl" - die mama
- "Geld-beu" - mein geldbeutel wo sie dauernd nach meinen Sachen kramt
- "Pa-peh" - ein bild von meiner Microsoft ID
- "I.D." - meine ID
Monday, September 12, 2011
Beim Rico in Muenchen und nach Ulm!
So da war ich dann in Deutschland zuerst beim Rico. Sein Haus ist echt wunderschoen,, auch mit den Obstbaeumen im Garten, Schaukel und alles sehr schoen.
Und auch die Frima angeschaut, da hat der ein Riesenlage mit Teilen, und Arne's alte Lambretta stand fahrt bereit damit wir damit von Muenchen nach Ulm fahren konnten.
Noch ein paar Bilder von der Fahrt. Und auch unten fuer Milo und Watson: wir konnten dann noch im Schwimmbad vom Dreier springen, natuerlich Saltos, obwohl der Arne sich nicht getraut hat! Also Milo, du kannst besser und mehr tricks als der Onkel Arne.
Der Schaden an den Platten ist Schaden vom 2ten Weltkrieg. Sie haben den alten Peter, der komplett ausgebombt war in den 50'ern wiederaufgebaut, aber ein paar der zerstoerten Teile als Mahnmal wiederaufgebaut.
Sehr schoene Schweinskoepfe.
Surfen am Eisbach!
Rico und Levin auf der Schaukel! Er mag es genauso gerne wie Die Leila
Germany, Abi Feier 2011 - 20 Jaehriges
Also in Deutschland eingeflogen und fein Abifeier machen. Der Herr war dabei und der Biff auch. Wir kamen auf den Rollern angefahren, hat sich also in 20 Jahren nichts geaendert.
Der Biff inzwischen voll vom Lambretta bug gebissen, da gabs einiges cooles zu sehen bei ihm in der garage.
Wir kamen an, und erstmal musste beim Biff Hand angelegt werden, Kiste war hochgegangen:
Der Biff inzwischen voll vom Lambretta bug gebissen, da gabs einiges cooles zu sehen bei ihm in der garage.
Wir kamen an, und erstmal musste beim Biff Hand angelegt werden, Kiste war hochgegangen:
Sehr schoen Herr Bernecker, die Kiste wurde dann auch sehr gut repariert. Der Arne hatte alles Bordwerkzeug dabei.
Und noch ein paar Bildern von den guten Schulkollegen!
Spaeter hatte der Herr dann auch zuviel getrunken:
Monday, August 22, 2011
Leila said...
Neue Sachen die sie sagt:
"Ovaj" - Oval. Sie zeigt auf alles was oval ist
"Rot, Gruen, Gelb, Blau (besonders blau), orange, braun" - sie kann alle Farben unterscheiden. Und auch gut aussprechen
"Door!" - wenn eine Tuer zu ist und sie rein will.
"Bo-baer" - bodo baer. wenn sie ein bodo baer buch lesen will.
"Nase, Ohren, Mund, Zunge, Ohren, Arm, Hand, Fimger, Bauch, Beine, Fuesse, Zehen, Zaehne" - ich sage immer "wo ist x?" und sie zeigt mit begeisterung auf den Koerperteil.
"Ovaj" - Oval. Sie zeigt auf alles was oval ist
"Rot, Gruen, Gelb, Blau (besonders blau), orange, braun" - sie kann alle Farben unterscheiden. Und auch gut aussprechen
"Door!" - wenn eine Tuer zu ist und sie rein will.
"Bo-baer" - bodo baer. wenn sie ein bodo baer buch lesen will.
"Nase, Ohren, Mund, Zunge, Ohren, Arm, Hand, Fimger, Bauch, Beine, Fuesse, Zehen, Zaehne" - ich sage immer "wo ist x?" und sie zeigt mit begeisterung auf den Koerperteil.
Watson said...
On our way back from camping at Orcas in the Suburban, Milo, Watson, me.
Watson:"Milo, some day you are going to have sex."
Milo:"No way, it is so gross. I would never do that."
Watson:"But *are* going to like it."
Milo:"Yeah, why is it so gross? I mean Barstow [our friend's dog] walks around naked all the time. He just has fur, but he is naked."
Watson:"Milo, some day you are going to have sex."
Milo:"No way, it is so gross. I would never do that."
Watson:"But *are* going to like it."
Milo:"Yeah, why is it so gross? I mean Barstow [our friend's dog] walks around naked all the time. He just has fur, but he is naked."
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Leila said
Leila was really impressed with the fireworks we saw on the 4th this year. We were camping on Orcas Island, and the owners of the campground had this really large firework show prepared, right over the bay with the sun setting in the West. It was very pretty.
Milo said...
We were watching "Journey to the center of the earth" and there is this really sappy scene where the kid finds a letter from his dead dad left back for him.
Me: "Milo, glaubst du ich wuerde auch so einen Brief fuer Euch hinterlassen wenn ich sterbe?"
Milo: "No, dad would try to embarrass me when I try to mate."
Me: "Milo, glaubst du ich wuerde auch so einen Brief fuer Euch hinterlassen wenn ich sterbe?"
Milo: "No, dad would try to embarrass me when I try to mate."
Friday, August 5, 2011
Leila says...
She is really starting to make great progress. For some reason all monosyllabic words. But she can sort her little shape puzzle and say all the shapes:
- "tri" - triangle
- "rec" - rectangle
- "sir" - circle
- "he-ayon" - hexagon
- "eps" - ellipse
- "shter" - star (german)
- "tri" - triangle
- "rec" - rectangle
- "sir" - circle
- "he-ayon" - hexagon
- "eps" - ellipse
- "shter" - star (german)
Milo said...
We were starting to watch the movie "Titanic".
Milo: "I hate the love scenes in this movie!"
Watson: "Which love scenes?"
Milo: "Well especially the one where Jack tries to have sex with Rose in the car."
Milo: "I hate the love scenes in this movie!"
Watson: "Which love scenes?"
Milo: "Well especially the one where Jack tries to have sex with Rose in the car."
Friday, July 22, 2011
Watson said...
Watson: "Oh no, I think I just married Leila."
Melissa: "How did that happen?"
Watson: "She gave me a kiss and I turned around and her tongue got in my mouth. When you kiss with tongues you are married."
Melissa: "How did that happen?"
Watson: "She gave me a kiss and I turned around and her tongue got in my mouth. When you kiss with tongues you are married."
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Leila says...
"Nye" - No.
"Hi!" - in desperation. Means "don't go away"
"walk" or "alk" - let me down so I can walk
"Schei" - Schaukel
"fuh! Fuh! Fuh! - she was walking around a kids' party and having so much fun being part of the action
"Pai" - pencil
"soup" - ketchup or soup
"toe" - toe
"Pa" - me
"Hi!" - in desperation. Means "don't go away"
"walk" or "alk" - let me down so I can walk
"Schei" - Schaukel
"fuh! Fuh! Fuh! - she was walking around a kids' party and having so much fun being part of the action
"Pai" - pencil
"soup" - ketchup or soup
"toe" - toe
"Pa" - me
Milo said...
Papa:"Willst du nicht spaeter auch mal Kinder haben?"
Milo:"Ich weiss noch nicht. Kinder sind so laut."
Papa:"So wie Ihr halt."
Milo:"Oder so wie der Watson. Er ist wie ein kleiner Affe. Nur Unsinn im Kopf, immer laut und springt rum."
Milo:"Ich weiss noch nicht. Kinder sind so laut."
Papa:"So wie Ihr halt."
Milo:"Oder so wie der Watson. Er ist wie ein kleiner Affe. Nur Unsinn im Kopf, immer laut und springt rum."
Milo and Watson...
We were in the kids hot tub. Both Milo and Watson taking turns:
Milo/Watson:"What the fu..."
and just before they could finish, the dove under water.
Milo/Watson:"What the fu..."
and just before they could finish, the dove under water.
Milo and Watson...
On vacation in California. They are making a ton of noise in the hotel room looking for their towels and for their swimsuits. Racket on the balcony
Watson:"Milo, what the fuck are you doing!"
at this point they just don't care anymore!
Watson:"Milo, what the fuck are you doing!"
at this point they just don't care anymore!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Watson said...
Melissa:"Watson, you can't rough house with a toddler like that. She can get hurt."
Watson:"That's just my nature! You can't accuse me for being what I am!!!"
Watson:"That's just my nature! You can't accuse me for being what I am!!!"
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Leila says...
Another few first words:
"Na" - nase, german for nose
"Na" - nase, german for nose
What Leila says
Time to write down what she says now at 18 months:
"Ka-eh" - Kaffee - was probably her first word. I would get up in the mornings, her in the high chair, make coffee while she has snacks. Show her the coffee cups and hold it to her cheeks and say "Leila, der Papa macht Kaffee." She used to love holding her cheek up but now really doesn't anymore.
"Hoch" - with one arm stretched up. that's the demand for me to throw her up into the air
"Cook" - when she wants to access her cooking utensils or watch cooking.
"Bild" - the painting we have in the living room
"Fee" - german for fairy
"Ladaba" - Lady bug. in her room she has a few ladybug dolls.
"Bad" or "bath" - she loves baths
"ca-eed" - card (gym, debit, whatever) and carkey (same word in her vocab).
"Schas-y" - Watson
"Mila" - Milo
"Mil" - milk
"ei" - german for egg
"Ka-eh" - Kaffee - was probably her first word. I would get up in the mornings, her in the high chair, make coffee while she has snacks. Show her the coffee cups and hold it to her cheeks and say "Leila, der Papa macht Kaffee." She used to love holding her cheek up but now really doesn't anymore.
"Hoch" - with one arm stretched up. that's the demand for me to throw her up into the air
"Cook" - when she wants to access her cooking utensils or watch cooking.
"Bild" - the painting we have in the living room
"Fee" - german for fairy
"Ladaba" - Lady bug. in her room she has a few ladybug dolls.
"Bad" or "bath" - she loves baths
"ca-eed" - card (gym, debit, whatever) and carkey (same word in her vocab).
"Schas-y" - Watson
"Mila" - Milo
"Mil" - milk
"ei" - german for egg
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Watson said...
On the way through Ballard, the kids in the back of the car, going south on 15th Ave NW.
Watson: "Dude, there is a store called 'mid-ass'!"
Milo: "Oh, you mean the car shop 'Midas'"
Watson: "Dude, there is a store called 'mid-ass'!"
Milo: "Oh, you mean the car shop 'Midas'"
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Berghaus March 2011
OK, this weekend we joined the Yaqoubis at the Berghaus in Snolquamie for some skiing, snowboarding and birthday celebration. Boy, did it make me feel like being back in the alps!
But first, before we left Saturday morning one could see spring is in the air and the cherries and plums are beginning to bloom:
This is the neighbor's tree, but you can see the nice Hexenhaus behind. Thanks hipstamatic for that fantastic vintage shot.
Only 45 minutes of driving, and we were thrown back into a winderwonderland:
Leila was having a great time in the snow! The house is located on the newly opened Hyak lift, right on the slope. In Germany or Austria they would turn this into a lodge with Zittar music and a beergarden and a snowbar. Well, maybe in a few decades they will learn that part here in the US!
The above picture is the view from the balcony.
Some more pics of the slopes as well as the wonderful weather and Milo thanks to the hipstamatic.
Milo did really well skiing, we went down the green slopes, and Milo and I went down the serpentines. It was great fun.
Finally we also brought Watson with us who did very well! He can only really turn right so far, but he was very "tapfer", went all the way down (in spite of being terrified on the lift) and he said he had a great time! Can't wait to go again.
Thanks Judith and Said for letting us stay and to everyone else for a great time!
But first, before we left Saturday morning one could see spring is in the air and the cherries and plums are beginning to bloom:
This is the neighbor's tree, but you can see the nice Hexenhaus behind. Thanks hipstamatic for that fantastic vintage shot.
Only 45 minutes of driving, and we were thrown back into a winderwonderland:
Leila was having a great time in the snow! The house is located on the newly opened Hyak lift, right on the slope. In Germany or Austria they would turn this into a lodge with Zittar music and a beergarden and a snowbar. Well, maybe in a few decades they will learn that part here in the US!
The above picture is the view from the balcony.
Some more pics of the slopes as well as the wonderful weather and Milo thanks to the hipstamatic.
Milo did really well skiing, we went down the green slopes, and Milo and I went down the serpentines. It was great fun.
Finally we also brought Watson with us who did very well! He can only really turn right so far, but he was very "tapfer", went all the way down (in spite of being terrified on the lift) and he said he had a great time! Can't wait to go again.
Thanks Judith and Said for letting us stay and to everyone else for a great time!
Monday, February 28, 2011
milo's first e-mail to me
Habe heute von Milo meine erste e-mail grekriegt:
"From: Milo Gerhard
Wie redeemed mann geld fon itunes giftcard?"
"From: Milo Gerhard
Wie redeemed mann geld fon itunes giftcard?"
milo said...
Milo just got spacers on his bottom teeth for crowding.
Milo: "mom, i can hear you talking to other grownups and suddenly you start talking about my dental problems. Just talk about your own dental problems."
Milo: "mom, i can hear you talking to other grownups and suddenly you start talking about my dental problems. Just talk about your own dental problems."
Friday, February 18, 2011
Milo at cubscouts
We were at Helene Madison Pool for cubscouts. There was a vending machine and the kids were of course begging to get some soda or some candy.
Suddenly I see how Milo is on the floor and a bunch of scouts are cheering him on. He had managed to get his hand through the lock system and was touch and messing around with a soda. He finally gets it out.
I asked him to return it and say "I stole this soda but I want to return it" - which he did.
Later in the car he said:
Milo:"Papa, ich habe mein Gehirn benutzt um die Soda da rauszuholen. Ich habe gemerkt dass wenn ich die buttons an der Seite druecke, die Soda released wird!"
Me:"Und natuerlich haettest du die Soda nicht getrunken weil Gerhards nichts klauen, stimmts?"
Watson:"But Milo you said you would drink it if you could get it out!"
so funny.
Suddenly I see how Milo is on the floor and a bunch of scouts are cheering him on. He had managed to get his hand through the lock system and was touch and messing around with a soda. He finally gets it out.
I asked him to return it and say "I stole this soda but I want to return it" - which he did.
Later in the car he said:
Milo:"Papa, ich habe mein Gehirn benutzt um die Soda da rauszuholen. Ich habe gemerkt dass wenn ich die buttons an der Seite druecke, die Soda released wird!"
Me:"Und natuerlich haettest du die Soda nicht getrunken weil Gerhards nichts klauen, stimmts?"
Watson:"But Milo you said you would drink it if you could get it out!"
so funny.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Milo WTF
Okay so I admit it. I said in the car "WTF - what's that guy doing?" Milo immediately picked up on it:
Milo:"Papa, was heisst WTF?"
So I told him what it meant. He thought it's the best thing ever. So he got this exam at school to fill in true and false questions:

He added the "W" to all the true/false questions to turn them into "WTFs". Didn't keep him from getting all the answers ritght. Teacher didn't pick up on it either. Then this:
The question at school was to add into the bubble what these folks may be thinking about world peace. Looking at their faces, they're clearly thinking "WTF".
Then the drawing about world peace. All the intricate detail that went into the killing and the killing methods. Then of course, all that evil has a cross over it, with a sloppy "handshake for peace" drawn to the right of that. One knows exactly where a boy's true loyalties lie.
Milo:"Papa, was heisst WTF?"
So I told him what it meant. He thought it's the best thing ever. So he got this exam at school to fill in true and false questions:
He added the "W" to all the true/false questions to turn them into "WTFs". Didn't keep him from getting all the answers ritght. Teacher didn't pick up on it either. Then this:
The question at school was to add into the bubble what these folks may be thinking about world peace. Looking at their faces, they're clearly thinking "WTF".
Then the drawing about world peace. All the intricate detail that went into the killing and the killing methods. Then of course, all that evil has a cross over it, with a sloppy "handshake for peace" drawn to the right of that. One knows exactly where a boy's true loyalties lie.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Leila kann gehen!
Es ist endlich so weit! Sie kann jetzt richtig gehen. Und schaut Euch das Video ganz an. Watson ganz lieb krabbelt zu ihr hin. Er macht das immer. Er will immer lieb zu ihr sein und mit ihr spielen, auf ihrem Niveau.
Wir sagen immer er hat ganz hohen "Emotionalen Quotienten" (im Gegensatz zu Intelligenz Quotient). Er weiss genau wir Leute sich fuehlen, was Leute dazu bringt sich schlecht zu fuehlen und wie man es wieder besser machen kann.
Wir sagen immer er hat ganz hohen "Emotionalen Quotienten" (im Gegensatz zu Intelligenz Quotient). Er weiss genau wir Leute sich fuehlen, was Leute dazu bringt sich schlecht zu fuehlen und wie man es wieder besser machen kann.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Kids come home after the first day of school in the new year. They were a little bored so Milo turns on the TV.
Milo:"Wow, Mythbusters is on!"
Melissa:"OK, you can watch a little while I cook."
Watson:"But I don't want to watch Mythbusters. Can I zoke? At least I use my thumbs and don't just sit there."
He said that because we always want them to exercise or play outside or move in some way.
Milo:"Wow, Mythbusters is on!"
Melissa:"OK, you can watch a little while I cook."
Watson:"But I don't want to watch Mythbusters. Can I zoke? At least I use my thumbs and don't just sit there."
He said that because we always want them to exercise or play outside or move in some way.
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